As Data Controller, Manor Road Evangelical Church is committed to respecting your privacy  and complying with applicable data protection and privacy laws. This notice  explains how we collect, use and protect your personal information as part of our Church family. Personal data is information that can be used to identify you. In line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we maintain and  update personal data, store and destroy it securely, do not collect excessive data  and protect it from loss, misuse and disclosure. 

The basis for collecting your information 

We process your personal data as a not-for-profit body with a religious aim for  the following reasons: 

∙ With your explicit consent so that we can keep you informed of Church  activities 

∙ Where there is a legitimate interest to collect data to fulfil our purposes  as a Church 

∙ Where we need to fulfil contractual or legal obligations to you ∙ Vital interest: where processing might protect someone’s life 

Your information and how we use it 

Your personal data includes details of name, address and e-mail, and phone contacts. We collect, process, store and use this data: 

∙ To enable us to keep in touch with you and to help other Church partners  to contact you (subject to their preferences)  

∙ To provide pastoral care and support as appropriate 

∙ To deliver our Church ministries and activities 

∙ To provide you with news of our ministries and activities

∙ To safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults

∙ For purposes of day-to-day administration and record keeping (including  the processing of Gift Aid) 

∙ To recruit, support and manage our employees and volunteers ∙ To maintain and secure our property and premises  

∙ To respond effectively to enquirers  

∙ To fulfil our lawful and legitimate interests and obligations  

The information may be classified under GDPR as “sensitive personal data”  because, as a church, the fact that we hold this information may be suggestive  of your religious beliefs.

How we collect information 

We collect personal information from you when you use ChurchSuite, complete a form, contact us, sign up, complete a giving instruction or Gift Aid  declaration, apply to work or volunteer at the Church, or undertake a  safeguarding check.

We may collect information about you using cookies (files which are sent by  us to your computer or other device) which collect aggregated and anonymous  data to monitor how visitors use our website. By continuing to use our website  you agree that we can place cookies on your device. 

We may process data as video and audio footage of individuals attending  Church premises (internally or externally) or engaging with a Church activity.  

How we safeguard your information 

Your personal details will be treated as private and confidential. Details will  only be shared with third parties if we are required to do so for legal purposes,  where it is needed to perform our tasks or, with your knowledge, the on-line  streaming of Church events. Otherwise, we do not share this information with  third parties and your details will not be disclosed to anyone without your  consent or where it is needed for legal and statutory purposes. We keep data  only for as long as it is needed and if we are legally required to do so. 

Your rights concerning personal information 

You have the rights to 

∙ Choose how we contact you 

∙ Ask to see any information we hold about you by making a request to the Church office 

∙ Ask for information which you believe to be incorrect to be rectified or  erased 

∙ Unsubscribe from any form of communication at any time by contacting  the Church office ( 

If you are unhappy with the way in which we hold and use your data you  should contact the Church office. If you are still not satisfied, or do not believe  that your data is being handled lawfully, you have the right to contact the  Information Commissioner’s Office ( 

July 2024