Thanks for your interest in accessing our ONLINE SERVICES and midweek LIFE GROUPS.
We will forward you the Zoom login and password via Email or Whatsapp on receipt of this form.
Why do I need to fill in a form?
We’d love you to be able to access our content immediately, and we offer teaching content across this website for everyone to benefit from. To access live content we use the form for two reasons;
(1) It helps us with pastoral care to know who is accessing our services.
(2) We currently record our sermons live to allow wider accessibility. You will find that a ‘recording’ notice features on the left of your screen as it does for all devices on our Zoom services. We do restrict recording to focus on our speaker’s device only, and their audio and video will be the only recorded content. Your device’s audio and video will not be recorded. This form is our notification, and by submission, your confirmation that you’ve been made aware recording of the sermon takes place during our services.